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Our Story

MedallionMilk Co., based out of Winnipeg, Manitoba, services the milk needs of both commercial and retailcustomers. Our powderedmilk tastes exactly like fresh milk, and can be used inmultiple uses, such as baking, cooking and of course enjoying a tall glass on ahot day.

Almost 50years of experience has allowed us to perfect a proprietary technique thatcreates delicious tasting milk from afine, crystal powder.The key to our success—and our mouth-watering milk—comes from these tiny,perfect crystals. Our process uses a low temperature, rather than instant milkwhich uses a high temperature. Ourmilk is reconstituted over a longer period of time, giving the milk crystals achance to reform back to its liquid self.

A Proud Canadian Company

As ahome-grown Manitoba company, Medallion Milk Co. prides itself on a Canadian product that is easy to use,has a long shelf time and is indistinguishable from fresh milk whenreconstituted. Our goal is to provide individuals and families, and larger organizations,such as senior citizen homes and hospitals, with milk that can be stockpiledwithout worry of expiration.

OwnerAdam Pankhurst acquired Medallion Milk in July of 2012. He firmly believes thisproduct is the best available, and wants to give people and organizationsacross Canada – and internationally – the ability to bake, cook and enjoy milk on a regular basis. Milk should be part ofeveryone’s diets – it is high in calcium, proteins andvitamin B12 – all of which still remains inMedallion Milk’s powdered milk.

Medallio牛奶有限公司,地处加拿大马尼托巴省的温尼伯。 我们的奶粉味道几乎和新鲜牛奶完全一样,除了日常饮用,还能用于烘烤,蒸煮。公司近50年的经验,使我们能够完善了专利技术,制造口感美味的牛奶,我们的奶粉异于普通速溶奶粉,是结晶性粉末。而我们制造这些完美的结晶体的关键,是因为我们采用了独特的专利手法。我们的制作方法使用了低温,而不是瞬间milkwhich采用高温。我们的牛奶是使牛奶结晶的回复其液体的状态。

Medallio是一个值得骄傲的加拿大公司,是马尼托巴省土生土长的公司。Medallio牛奶公司生产的牛奶,是加拿大当地最引以为傲特产之一。生产的牛奶易于使用,具有很长的保质时间,与新鲜牛奶没有什么区别。我们的目标是提供个人和家庭,以及较大的组织,如敬老院,医院,让他们可以没有储存保鲜的烦恼。 老板亚当· 潘克赫斯特在2012年7月获继承Medallio牛奶,他坚定地认为这个产品是最好的,Medallio奶的奶粉钙、蛋白质和维生素B12的含量都及高,他认为牛奶应该是每个人饮食的一部分,并希望让这牛奶走向国际。

Dried Powdered Milk

Powderedmilk or dried milk is a much different product than instant milk. MedallionMilk Co.’s proprietary process allows us to make much finer and better qualitycrystals thaninstant milk, which in turn results in asuperior product.

Instant milk uses a high temperature and powdered milk uses a low temperature.As well, our dry milk is reconstituted over a longer period of time, whichallows each crystal to dissolve completely, ending with a fresh glass ofdelicious tasting milk.

Powderedmilk has a much longer shelf life than fresh milk, and comes in a variety oftypes, including skim milkpowder, whole milk, partly skimmed milk and buttermilk.

benefitsof milk by itself are numerous,including vitamins and minerals; Medallion Milk Co.’s dry milk allows forflexibility in use (emergency food, substitute milk for dry milk), long shelflife and much more.

速溶奶粉和奶粉,是一个非常不同的产品。Medallio牛奶公司专有的过程使我们能够更精细和更优质的还原奶粉。速溶奶采用高温,一定程度的破坏了奶中所含的营养成分,奶粉使用低的温度,保持营养成分。同时,我们的奶粉是重组在较长一段时间内,这使得每个晶体完全溶解。 还原奶拥有鲜奶同样的营养和口感,但拥有更长的保质期,并有各种的类型,包括脱脂奶粉,全脂奶粉,部分脱脂牛奶和酪。 牛奶本身的好处是多方面的,包括维生素和矿物质。


How is Powdered Milk Made?

Medallion Milk Company’s powderedmilk goes through a low temperature dehydration process.
Beginning with fresh milk from Canadian cows,the water in the milk is gradually evaporated, leaving a fine crystal that hasa year-long shelf life.
When mixed with water and left overnight, the milk reverts back to its liquidstate – with all the same nutrients as fresh milk.

奶粉是如何形成的? 奶粉与鲜奶从加拿奶牛sMedallion牛奶公司的奶粉开始经过低温脱水工艺。 牛奶液体被逐渐蒸发掉,剩下细小晶体,有长达一年的保质期。 当与水混合并放置,牛奶恢复到其液体状态– 营养成分和口感如新鲜牛奶。

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