
美食菜谱系列之一 :希腊酸奶 希腊酸奶有益健康的八种方式

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希腊酸奶口感非常粘稠,不仅可以直接吃,还可以作为奶油奶酪/cream cheese、酸奶油/sour cream的健康替代品,同时不以牺牲口味为代价。希腊酸奶没有原味酸奶那么酸,因为乳酸被滤掉的液体带走了一大部分。单位重量的蛋白质和钙含量比一般酸奶高。















1 liter milk (1000ml)

1 package of Kefir Yogurt starter


1.Heat the milk

In a heavy-bottomed pot over small heat, bring milk to 180°F, stirring regularly to prevent scorching. Once milk has reached temperature, allow it to cool for 5 minute.

The milk needs to be heated to about 170-180°F,(76-82ºC).This is for two reasons:

It kills any other bacteria that might be in the milk that would compete against the bacteria that convert milk to yogurt.

It changes the milk protein in a way that allows it to culture and firm up.

Keep stirring the milk and do not let it go past 180F. If it scorches, your yogurt will taste bad.

2.When milk has cooled, add Kefir Yogurt to the pot and whisk thoroughly to combine.

3.Pour milk and starter mixture into one liter container, Remove into Yogurt machine, or insulated foam box.Leave in a draft-free, undisturbed place for eight hours or until desired tartness is achieved.

4.When incubation is complete, remove jars place in refrigerator for at least eight hours to halt culturing and set yogurt.

5.At this point, yogurt may be eaten, but to achieve a Greek-style consistency, it will need to be strained. Place a fine mesh strainer over a bowl and line it with four layers of cheese cloth. Spoon yogurt into lined strainer and allow to drain for two to 3 hours or until desired thickness is achieved.

6.Transfer yogurt to a storage container and refrigerate until needed.



营养和饮食学院的营养学家和发言人Alissa Rumsey解释说,希腊酸奶是通过过滤掉液体乳清,结果就留下更少碳水化合物和糖的,但蛋白质含量高于普通酸奶的希腊酸奶。



2.益生菌 保持你的日常生活规律

Whole Life Balance的创办者和认证的营养师Shane Griffin说到,希腊酸奶含有益生菌,这些微生物包括如细菌或酵母菌。它们通常存在在我们的肠道中,肠道中有好的微生物环境会使我们保持健康。“若没有益生菌,将不能保持有益细菌的健康平衡,也会滋生很多坏的细菌破坏我们的免疫系统。”她还补充到,益生菌非常有益于我们的消化系统,尤其是对肠易激综合症患者很有帮助。








在高强度锻炼后希腊酸奶是一种健康,令人满意的选择。它不仅可以帮你维持体力直至下一餐的时间,而且它还富含蛋白质,能够修复锻炼过程中受到的身体损伤。 Griffin解释到,“希腊酸奶富含氨基酸,是蛋白质的基本组成单位。蛋白质是再生肌肉组织和修复纤维损伤的基石”,添加些香蕉或浆果到希腊酸奶上,将会是锻炼后一道营养丰富的零食。








8 Ways Greek Yogurt Benefits Your Health

Health-conscious Americans have long touted the benefits of yogurt. But now many who once turned their noses up at yogurt are embracing the Greek way. Few foods pack as healthy a punch in such small serving sizes as Greek yogurt. A bowl of Greek yogurt can keep you fortified with essential nutrients and even help you lose weight. For many Greek yogurt lovers, the richer texture is also a big sell.

Greek yogurt is made by separating out the liquid whey, explains Alissa Rumsey, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “This results in a thicker texture with fewer carbohydrates and sugar, and more protein the regular yogurt,” she says.

1. The Power of Protein

Protein is essential for good health. It is vital to cell growth, building muscle, and repairing tissue.

As you age, you need more protein to keep your skin healthy and to fight off illness. Greek yogurt is a great way to boost your protein levels while avoiding heavy foods like meats.

“Have it for breakfast and add in a handful of walnuts and blueberries,” Rumsey says. “Use it as a substitute for sour cream on top of chili or baked potatoes.”

2. Probiotics Keep You Regular

Greek yogurt is packed with probiotics. These are microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast. These normally live in your intestines, and having good microorganisms in your intestines helps keep you healthy, says Shane Griffin, a certified nutritional practitioner and founder of Whole Life Balance.

“Without a healthy balance of good bacteria from probiotics, too much bad bacteria can build up and cause damage to our immune systems,” Griffin says.

Probiotics are great for the digestive system, and especially helpful to people who suffer from conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, he adds.

3. Get Your B12 Here!

Vitamin B12 is necessary for energy and healthy brain function, and Greek yogurt is full of it. “Many choose to supplement vitamin B12 into their diet, but Greek yogurt offers a powerful, natural alternative,” Griffin says.

Vegetarians are often deficient in B12 because it generally is found in meats, so Greek yogurt is an excellent, meat-free way to add more to your diet.

4. Potassium Balances out Sodium

Most Americans have way too much sodium in their diet. Not only is Greek yogurt low in sodium, it is also high in potassium.

What does one have to do with the other? “Think of this scenario like it is a teeter-totter,” advises Griffin. “There must be a proper balance between sodium and potassium in the body, and Greek yogurt can help you maintain the correct proportions.”

Health Tip:

Instead of presweetened Greek yogurt, choose plain Greek yogurt and add your own favorite fruit and a little bit of honey drizzled on top. A great and healthy, sweet treat!

5. A Workout Recovery Food

Greek yogurt can be a healthy and satisfying treat after a tough workout. Not only will it tide you over until your next meal, but it actually contains protein that can repair damage done by exercise.

“Greek yogurt is rich in the amino acids which make up proteins, and proteins are the building blocks for regenerating muscle tissue and repairing fiber damage,” explains Griffin. Add a banana or some berries for a nutrition-packed post workout snack.

6. Iodine Keeps Your Waist in Check

Greek yogurt is chock full of iodine. Iodine is important for proper thyroid function, and the thyroid is essential for healthy metabolism.

“People today tend to be iodine deficient, which can cause serious problems, including rapid fluctuations in weight,” Griffin says. “For people with weight problems, increasing iodine levels in their diet increases the thyroid’s activity and in turn increases their metabolism promoting weight loss.”

7. Calcium also is Key to Keeping Fit

Another benefit of Greek yogurt that is key both to weight loss and your overall health is its high calcium content.

Calcium has been linked to regulation of the body’s cortisol output, Griffin says. “Elevated levels of the hormone cortisol can cause the body to store fat, inhibiting weight loss or other health goals.”

“By incorporating more calcium into your diet, you can partially limit fat production in the body.”

8. The Sliminess Factor

Even though Greek yogurt is thicker than regular yogurt, and therefore not so “slimy,” some people still don’t care for the consistency.

One way around that is to incorporate the yogurt into a smoothie drink. Alternately, you can use it as a topping on other foods. “Use it as a substitute for sour cream on top of chili or baked potatoes,” suggests Rumsey. You could also make your own popsicles at home by freezing Greek yogurt with fresh fruit.

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