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  在《动词与主语必须呼应——动词的运用有学问》一文里,谈到动词与主语呼  应问题,并提出五个指导原则,以避免这方面的错误。但是指导归指导,错误还是像不速之客,如影随形,频频来访。在学生作业中,这种错误排列第一。其他场合也常见到动词与主语不搭配的语病。下面这广告第一句中的形容词分句里便出现了这种错误:

  “dear owner/resident, we have ready buyers who is upgrading.”

  根据英语语法规律,形容词分句(也叫定语从句,adjective clause)里的动词必须和主句里的先行词(antecedent)呼应。先行词是单数,形容词分句中的动词便是单数;先行词是复数,形容词分句中的动词便是复数。例如:

  ① do you know the woman who is walking the dog?(陪狗散步)

  ② those who have performed well in the tournament will be rewarded.

  在①里,先行词 the woman 是单数,形容词分句里的动词 is 也是单数。反之,②里的先行词 those 是复数,who 后面的动词也是复数 have。

  根据这原则,who is upgrading 中的 is 便要改为 are 了。


  ③ has mr and mrs li



to emigrate?

  ④ do your uncle live in malaysia?

  ⑤ there is several beautiful paintings on the wall.

  ⑥ the news of henry‘s resignation were received with great surprise.

  ⑦ what we are doing are good for the nation as a whole.

  ⑧ someone have forgotten to turn off the light.

  在③里,助动词 has 和复数主语 mr and mrs li 不符,要改为 have。第④句里的 do 和 your uncle 不搭配,要改为 does。第⑤ 句里的 is 和真正主语 paintings 的数不一致,应改为 are。这个句子也可改变为:“several beautiful paintings are on the wall”。在⑥里的主语 news,其形式是复数,但意思是单数,动词也要单数的 was received 才行。⑦里的主语是名词分句(noun clause),是个单数的单位,动词也要单数的 is,不是 are。在⑧ 里的主语 someone 是单数代名词,随后的动词必须是 has forgotten 才对。


  下面这句英语很好,但是里面的动词对吗?是 has 还是 have 呢?

  “its unique concept and impressive magnitude has made it the talking point of the region.”

  既然这句的主语是由 concept 和 magnitude 组成,便是复数,谓语动词当然也要复数 have 才是。

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